
Entity Definition

Logical Name : DisplayUnitItem
Physical Name : AS_ITM_DPLY

A sub-type of STOCK ITEM for shelf, rack or other display unit that is used by the store to display merchandise. Particularly used for racks & shelves custom designed for a particular item. Not normally for sale.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
ItemID (FK)(PK) A unique system assigned identifier for the retailer's SKU. ID_ITM IdentityUUID char(32) StockItem(AS_ITM_STK)
DispositionCode A code to denote how the DISPLAY UNIT is to be disposed, ie returned to the supplier, destroyed, or retained until the next promotion. DP_UN_DPLY Code2 char(2)
TakeDownDate The date on which the display unit can be taken down by the RETAIL STORE DC_UN_DPLY_TK_DWN DateCalendar date
SetupDate The date on which the DISPLAY UNIT can be setup within the RETAIL STORE DC_UN_DPLY_ST_UP DateCalendar date
DisplayUnitTypeCode A code to denote the type of display unit, i.e. free-standing, shelf end, refrigerator, etc. TY_UN_DPLY Code2 char(2)
ShelfItemsHeldCapacityCount The maximum number of SHELF ITEMS that can be stocked on the DISPLAY UNIT. QU_CPC_HLD Quantity DECIMAL(9,3)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
StockItem isa DisplayUnitItem

Logical Views containing DisplayUnitItem

Logical View
Logical 01000 - Item Description - Macro View
Logical 01004 - Item Description - Branding
Logical 01010 - Item Description - Subtype View